Friday, October 16, 2009

a poem for a lonely night (with a nod to Miller, Nin and Kerouac who kept her company)

a poem for a lonely night

(with a nod to Miller, Nin and Kerouac who kept her company)

let me take you to a jazz show please

to celebrate that

intricate relationship between

the music and the body

let us marvel at the many ways

that the spine can move

the back can distort that a

fantasy can be interpreted

then after I will confess as we gaze upon a canvas

surrendered under a bloody sheath

that everytime I stand before

it and certain others I fight

the urge to lick

the texture left by the artist’s brush

just above the left corner

do you see it?

in the cab, let me practice my insouciance

I’ll gaze out the window

as we

pull up outside a dark cafe

where we shall drink with heads

bent low and you can tell me a

story about a stranger in a

statue garden

and because you are a friend

I’ll let you

slam me up against

a brick wall

dry hump me

fill me with cognac

and then I’ll send you

on your way



last and ready

to call it a night.

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