Monday, November 2, 2009

It's National Novel Writing Month-and I'm up for the challenge

I've joined writers from around the world in the challenge to write a 50 000 word novel this month. I woke up Sunday November 1 with the flu and Max and Charlie with the flu and no idea what I was going to write and no idea where I was going.

So it began...



Her voice enters me and it pisses me off. I’ve done it and I have no regrets, Really. No regrets. I look over to Tony as he lies on the crumpled sheets, the crepitated sun of morning spreading her spidery fingers over his back. I smile.

I am a woman. No longer a girl. It was very good giving myself to him like that and he took me gently, carefully like he promised. My mother was wrong. She said he wouldn’t be respectful, that men weren’t. They just wanted one thing and they didn’t care how they got it.

I rolled over on her thoughts, trying to squash her presence. She had no place in this bed with Tony and I. I wrapped my arms around his back and reach down low between his legs. He moved slowly at first and then before I knew it he was on top of me again and I was squealing, squealing with delight.

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